At Home in the Vieux Carre: 906 Royal Street

At Home in the Vieux Carré!  Join us at the home of Scott Tilton and Rudy Bazenet on May 19, from 5:30 – 7:30. You might already know Scott & Rudy, founders of the Nous Foundation right here in the French Quarter. Their home, on the third...

5G is Arriving – What You Need to Know

You have likely noticed a handful of new 5G poles being installed in the neighborhood. This process has been ongoing for over two years. Here is where we stand now.

N Rampart Street Safety

VCPORA is advocating for safer street conditions along N Rampart between Canal and Esplanade. If you walk, bike, drive, or use transit along N Rampart, please take a minute to fill out our survey.

336 Decatur Appeal

VCPORA has challenged the Vieux Carre Commission’s conceptual approval of 336 Decatur fails to meet the design standards for new construction and will set a damaging precedent for future infill projects in the French Quarter.

Second Chance to Weigh In on STRs! CPC to Hold Special Meeting

At Tuesday’s marathon City Planning Commission meeting, the commissioners agreed that there had not been enough time for the public, or for themselves, to fully digest and analyze the 155 page staff report. They acted to defer their vote, and to have a second CPC meeting dedicated to short-term rentals.