Advocacy Alert!
Important Short Term Rental
Virtual Meeting Tonight!
Thursday, January 5, 2023
6:00 p.m.

Short Term Rentals – CPC Public Input Meeting

The City Planning Commission staff will hold a virtual meeting to take your questions and comments about the City Council’s proposed Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance text amendments regarding Short Term Rentals (STRs).

Thursday, January 5, 2023
6:00PM – 7:30PM
Virtual Meeting

Join the Zoom Here:
Passcode: 258497
Or Dial in by Telephone (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 646 931 3860
Webinar ID: 879 2121 2533

Please tune in to this important meeting to share your concerns about the pending STR regulatory rewrite and share this with your friends and neighbors.

Since federal courts ruled that the Homestead Exemption requirement discriminates against out-of-towners from cashing in on New Orleans STRs, the City Council is reopening the regulations. This could mean more STRs in our neighborhoods, taking up more available housing, and further driving up the price of rentals and property.

The City Planning Commission is interested in what YOU have to say, and the platforms, like AirB&B, are lining up STR owners (the ones making the money) to show up in numbers.

The French Quarter is not safe from the overhaul!

Well-connected property owners, lawyers, and lobbyists have long looked to cash in on more of the French Quarter – specifically those areas in the VCE-1, VCC-1, and VCC-2, where businesses operate on the ground floor and hundreds of housing units exist in the rear and on upper floors. Do not let them turn these residential opportunities into more places for tourists to stay. Neighborhoods like the Vieux Carré depend on having residents in them.

We need more neighborhood bans in areas most impacted by over tourism, like the Marigny, Tremé, and Bywater. Every neighborhood deserves protections for their housing stock, for their community, and for their quality of life.

We are on an incredibly accelerated timeline. Another recent judge ruling gave the city until the end of March to have all the new regulations in place. That means public meetings during Mardi Gras season. We need all of your help and participation in this process.

In addition to attending tonight, PLEASE email your written comments to the City Planning Commission at Put in the subject line Zoning Docket 002/23 – Short Term Rentals. Just explain your concerns. They need to hear from neighbors and citizens like you. Please cc VCPORA at