What Is The VCPORA Legal Action Fund?
A dedicated fund to enable legal work to meet future challenges for the defense and improvement of the Vieux Carré. Access to this fund will enable VCPORA to:
1. Analyze threats and opportunities,
2. Litigate any formal proceedings that arise, and
3. Make decisions based on true importance, rather than
funds in hand.

Why Do We Need It?
Various legal issues VCPORA has faced are prime examples of the need to establish this fund such as ….
2020: VCPORA vs. City of New Orleans for the determination that Willie’s Chicken Shack operates as a standard restaurant,
rather than a fast-food restaurant or bar.
2022: VCPORA commissioned a sound study by CSTI Acoustics to determine a measurable intensity of sound related to a gallery roof addition.
2023: District Councilmember announces draft ordinance to suspend the enforcement powers of the Vieux Carré Commission, putting the entire neighborhood at risk. If pursued, this could result in significant legal action.

Who Manages It?
The fund will be managed by the VCPORA Board of Directors in conjunction with the Legal Committee. All funds will be maintained in a separate bank account and accounted for separately in VCPORA’s reports. The Legal Action Fund will be restricted, to be drawn against only for the support of projects that support the VCPORA mission, including professional legal services and content-specific expert testimonials.
1936 While still in its infancy, VCPORA prevented the demolition of the Upper Pontalba building to make way for a parking lot.
1937 VCPORA supported the creation of the Vieux Carré Commission by way of a state constitutional amendment.
1946-1964 In contravention of state law, the City Council removed 18 blocks of the French Quarter Vieux Carré Commission jurisdiction, mainly along Rampart Street. After a protracted court battle, VCPORA prevailed at the Supreme Court affirming the boundaries of the Vieux Carré Commission jurisdiction.
1969 After a 9-year battle, VCPORA and others finally prevailed in the fight to kill the Riverfront Expressway, which would have put a double-decker freeway along what is now Woldenberg Park and the Moonwalk.
1970 VCPORA helped get a hotel moratorium in place in the French Quarter to maintain the residential character of the neighborhood while encouraging the development of hotels in other neighborhoods.
1974 VCPORA successfully sued to force the removal of a concrete helipad illegally installed on the levee at Madison Street by the Levee Board.
1984 VCPORA secured daily garbage and trash pickup. 1990s VCPORA led the coalition to rid the Vieux Carré of buses longer than 31 feet, protecting historic structures from vibration damage, gallery supports from being hit by turning buses, and the ambience of the
neighborhood from noxious diesel fumes and noise.
1991-1994 VCPORA led successful opposition against the creation of an Insectarium on the wharves at the foot of Esplanade Avenue citing its inappropriateness in a historic district and further increases in tourist congestion and traffic in an already overburdened neighborhood.
2001 VCPORA worked with the state legislature to pass a law giving neighborhood groups and residents the same right to appeal land use decisions as the applicants.
2016 VCPORA clarified the city policy of charging air rights to exclude historic encroachments.
2015-2023 VCPORA continues working with groups across the city and state to bring about reasonable regulation and enforcement of the short-term rental industry that will make the protection of New Orleans residents and neighborhoods the top priority.