Honor your Mother in a special way
at VCPORA’s 20th Annual
Sunday | May 13, 2018 | 4pm—7pm
Make this an extra special day for your Mother by sponsoring the concert to honor your Mother or her memory!
Your donation enables us to continue this special tradition for Mothers & families
- Honorees’ names will be mentioned in our emails, website, and other PR materials for the event
- Honorees’ pictures and names will be displayed on a board at the concert (if received via email by May 1)
- Honorees who attend the concert will receive a corsage so they will be recognizable in the crowd
- A song will be dedicated to honorees, and their names will be read
Our sincerest thanks for your generosity!
Please spread the word to friends and family who want to celebrate their mothers as well!
And stay updated on all of the details of our treasured tradition at the event’s facebook page.
RSVP to invite family and friends!