On Tuesday, August 28, VCPORA and the Faubourg Marigny Improvement Association hosted an open forum for the community, especially residents of the French Quarter and Marigny, to discuss what could and should (and shouldn’t) happen on the site of the Esplanade and Gov. Nicholls wharves. Back in the 1990s, our neighborhoods successfully opposed plans for a major tourist attraction – an insectarium – at that spot, and we have the same concerns now. The development of an attraction there could overwhelm our fragile 19th century neighborhoods, which could not handle the traffic, parking, sound, and sheer volume of people trying to get to a single spot. This article from The New Orleans Advocate offers a summary of the meeting. We will be updating the public as the planning process continues!


Audubon head on French Quarter wharves: 'I don't see any way possible' major music venue will be in plan Audubon head on French Quarter wharves: ‘I don’t see any way possible’ major music venue will be in plan

Audubon Nature Institute officials said Tuesday night that, in view of neighborhood opposition, they can’t see turning two newly acquired French Quarter wharves into a highly trafficked entertainment venue. But they said they will need to come up with some plan that would pay for the ongoing costs of turning the site into a public park.
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