As the City Planning Commission and City Council contemplate major changes to the existing regulations, the Short-Term Rental Committee (of which VCPORA is a founding member) released a booklet in response to the CPC’s 2018 STR Study.
The booklet includes information on current regulation, proposed revisions, and opportunities for engagement so that residents can be informed when they voice their opinion at the City Planning Commission’s vote on STRs to be held on Tuesday, September 25 at 3:00 P.M. at City Council Chamber, City Hall 1E07, 1300 Perdido Street, New Orleans, LA 70112.
Notably, there are currently nearly 4000 licensed STRs in New Orleans, and over 2000 more operating illegally. The cumulative effects have damaged and even hollowed out some neighborhoods. We need reasonable regulations to rein in this industry, and this time, we’ve got to get it right! We know you care about your neighborhood and your neighbors, so please join us to share your concerns and make your voice heard!