Visit the city’s department of Safety & Permits to report a violation of the new short-term rental regulations
The latest local, national, and international news regarding Short Term Rentals
5 Necessary Revisions to the CPC Staff Report
A list of recommendations VCPORA identified with Jane Place Neighborhood Sustainability Initiative, along with various neighborhood and housing advocacy organizations
Now is the Time to Write CPC and City Council!
What we want: Reasonable restrictions that will protect all New Orleans neighborhoods. It is imperative that you let our City officials know your concerns NOW! The City Planning Commission and City Council are already hearing from hundreds of pro-STR advocates. Make sure your voice is heard too.
Short Term Rentals – CPC Virtual Public Input Meeting
We need more neighborhood bans in areas most impacted by over tourism, like the Marigny, Tremé, and Bywater. Every neighborhood deserves protections for their housing stock, for their community, and for their quality of life.
Happy New Year! Here We Go Again…
Here we go again…
To guide the City Planning Department in their review of the regulations, the City Council issued a motion for them to look at a range of ways to protect neighborhoods from investor expansion of STRs, including additional/new prohibitions, capping measures, platform accountability and data collection, and updates to the fee and fine structures.
Final STR Vote
New Short Term Rental regulations are on the way soon. Click here for a brief overview of what we now know.
Short Term Rentals Update
New Short Term Rental regulations are on the way soon. Click here for a brief overview of what we now know.
Citywide Opposition to the Proliferation of Short-Term Rentals
FQBA FQBA-071516-STR-letter-to-Council GNOHA GNOHA-STR-Position-FINAL PRCNO PRCNO-STR-Opposition