2023 Short-Term Rental Regulatory Rewrite
STR 2023 Links
CPC Staff Report
VCPORA Comments to CPC
Media Coverage
Neighbors want to ban short term rentals as City of New Orleans takes up issue Council temporarily bans new short-term rentals as it rewrites regulations Judge sets March 31 deadline for new short-term rental law in New Orleans New Orleans short-term rental rule barring out-of-state owners unconstitutional, appeals court saysReporting Short Term Rentals
The City of New Orleans has now made it easier to report illegal Short Term Rentals (STR).
Short Term Rental 24 Hour Complaint Hotline: (504) 788-2008
Online Short Term Rental Complaints:
Using the “Tips” link above, residents can now report an illegal STR in a few short steps:
1. Select the “Unauthorized short term rental” tab.
2. Enter the address and if that is unavailable, you can enter “New Orleans, LA” to proceed.
3. If you have a link to the specific listing, you can enter in on the 4th page.
4. On the 5th page, you can submit any photos or videos you may have.
Thank you for your continued vigilance in helping us and the city fight illegal short term rentals!

Short Term Rentals Update
New Short Term Rental regulations are on the way soon. Click here for a brief overview of what we now know.

MAJOR Short Term Rental regulations will be revisited by City Council!
Next Thursday, May 16, beginning at 9:30 am, the City Council will revisit the ongoing issue of Short Term Rental regulation. Please come voice your concerns and wear red!

Short Term Rental Committee releases response to City Planning Commission 2018 STR study
As the City Planning Commission and City Council contemplate major changes to the existing regulations, the Short-Term Rental Committee (of which VCPORA is a founding member) released a booklet in response to the CPC’s 2018 STR Study.

TODAY! Your Chance to Help Fix STRs
One year ago, the City Council legalized short-term rentals. The results have been disastrous for many neighborhoods, especially those in the historic core. Bring your concerns, your complaints, and your ideas to the City Planning Commission meeting today!
Illegal Short Term Rentals
New Airbnb plan would allow short-term rentals but not of entire properties in New Orleans http://www.theneworleansadvocate.com/news/politics/12761876-172/plan-would-allow-short-term-rentals Inside Airbnb New Orleans http://insideairbnb.com/new-orleans/ New Orleans...